When you have furniture, you are definitely wanted to have a durable one. The strength of furniture can be seen by the paint or color, material like wood or other aspect. When you decide to have furniture, it means that you have to responsible to maintain the furniture. The maintaining furniture is needed is not only for keep the strength but also keep it like new. The common issue of the furniture is color. If you have wood furniture, the color can be losing day by day. So, you have to restain the furniture to keep it good as new.
Step by Step Restain Furniture
You might be wondering about how to restain furniture. First, you need to put the old newspaper on the floor. To protect the furniture from the wood dust, you have to place the tarps over the furniture. Great to open the window for the ventilation, but the better is you work in outdoor. It is for reduce the risk of wood dust circulating while working that through the air filters.
After that, to protect your hand from splinter, you can put on the cotton gardening gloves and wear a dust mask and eye goggles. Use attack sander and paint brush to remove all of wood dust. The next way of how to restain furniture is by strip the furniture with a chemical stripping agent to the surface. Apply it after you dip the brush into the chemical stripping. Be patient, you have to wait until the chemical agent is bubbling. After that, you can sand the surface of the furniture after the chemical agent is removing completely.
This step can remove excess stripping agent. So, the stain will be absorbed into the fibers of wood. Do not forget to remove the wood dust with a paint brush. The next step is applying the stain in a smooth stroke. The dry wood type should be applied with a water based stain. In this step, you have to apply two coats. But make sure the first coat has dried completely before you start to brush the second coat. To seal in the stain, you can use a water and proof polyurethane. Let it dry for overnight. The second coat can you apply with the polyurethane and let it dry completely.

There are several tips about the restain furniture. The restain furniture is providing the furniture to get blotchy surface even emphasize and flaw in the old stain of wood. When you want to restain the furniture, you have to make sure that you know well to apply it with the right technique. If you desire to make the stain is darker than the old one, it means that you have to wipe it longer than usual. Make sure that your restain furniture soaks in and leave in 3 minutes. You have to rub and brush follows the direction of the grain. Before you apply the color in your furniture, you should test the stain on a piece of wood. So, you can be practice first and see what will be.
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